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Rare 10 Rupee Diamond Issue – Bhattachariya Signed
Hey collector! If you're seeing This available, consider yourself lucky—because this rare 10 Rupee Diamond Issue note, signed by C. Bhattacharya, is up for grabs at an unbeatable price!
These notes are getting harder to find, and once this one's gone, there's no guarantee you'll find it at this price again. Serious collectors know the value of striking at the right time, and this could be your chance to add a unique piece of history to your collection.
Don’t wait and regret it later—secure this rare find today!
#RareCurrency #IndianCurrency #10RupeeNote #DiamondIssue #BhattacharyaSigned #Numismatics #CoinCollector #CurrencyCollection #RareFind #CollectorsItem #IndianNumismatics #OldCurrency #RareNotes #VintageCurrency #BanknoteCollector
Condition: Used
Buy now ₹699
Showpieces & Idols
From Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu