Liked by simran_kashyap4926
Dog Or Cat/Rabbit
THE price is for 1 item, if you buy both you'll get a discount.
place your order and leave a comment if you want a dog or cat/rabbit
the dog is inspired by snoopy and the cat/rabbit is by pink panther
perfect for best friends, couple, kids, and parents.
perfect size for a keychain.
place your offers, comment which one do you want . if you want to buy both please place a offer( it'll be 350₹/1000coins for both and 200 for 1)
comment after placing an order if you want me to attach a keychain on it or not.
COLOUR CUSTOMIZATION AVAILABLE, other than that no customization in this item
Condition: Like New
Buy now ₹200
From Shimla Division, Himachal Pradesh