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Lost and Then Found
Lost and Then Found
Lost and Then Found
Lost and Then Found
Liked by lakshita_jain2178 & 12 others
Lost and Then Found
Building upon the work of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, this is a thoughtful and supportive book. Although there is some focus on bereavement, it covers loss in general and the helpful or unhelpful ways in which people might respond and find a way through. In this way I would say it would be very useful to anyone experiencing losses or setbacks of any kind and naturally this includes us all. As I was reading it, I felt both gently supported but also challenged to look at my losses from a different perspective. This perspective doesn't deny the pain of loss but enables us to find and use our own inner resources to help ourselves to cope both now and for the future inevitable losses that are part of life. Although it would be useful alongside counselling, I think that it provides enough in terms of description, explanation and guided exercises for it to be helpful on its own. The author starts by saying that he has written it to be used as and when, like a tool kit or the contents of a kitchen drawer and I think he's succeeded in that aim. This is quite a short book which is actually very content rich and thought provoking. The only things I would have liked to have seen relate to the format. Whilst the chapters are succinct and each have a very useful focus, I'd also have liked some references, an index, appendices for the exercises (so that I could photocopy and use again) and perhaps a resources
Condition: Good
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From Delhi Division, Delhi
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