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Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Scammer alert
Don’t get scammed by this ‘nice persy’ like me. All lies that she shipped my package but they only didn’t ship yet from their office. But the truth was she has been denying pickup/rescheduling for every attempt, which Freeup customer service confirmed later to me.

Now this fraudulent excuse of a human being has changed her review today and given me a fake rating saying I gave her mini samples. The mini samples were extra freebies. Yesterday she commented saying she will even pay for my mist which she received already. I had proof of my packing and submitted to Freeup, so they removed her fake review and rating and adjusted my rating.

Everyone else who bought from and swapped with me know my reputation and that I keep my word.

Also, she has changed her location to Uttar Pradesh now, but initially it was Punjab and just sometime back it was Himachal.

P.S This was a swap, she promised her Fairytale for my Among The Clouds. Have uploaded the Batch ID of my mist too for proof. She is asking people now to swap their mists for the Among the Clouds she scammed from me. Pls beware.
Condition: Used
Buy now ₹99999
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Place of Origin
From Bangalore Division, Karnataka
@sowm26 Hi… Dont trust this gg255 person. known scammer. scammed many of us here
@iamgaganasm1995 She keeps changing her state itself now and then. pls beware
@sweetya yes we're already scammed...so plzz don't fall in her trap... she's a disgusting human being
whoever she is, targeting people who are willing to swap BBW mists mainly but seen her asking for VS Mists swap too. pls beware
@sweetya Just saw your page and noted that you are swapping Bluberry mist and Hello Beautiful lotion with that scammer. pls if you have not shipped, cancel it. I lost my Among the Clouds to that b**** and Mansi lost Twisted peppermint and one more mist to that scamming monster
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Address: #540, Nanjappa Reddy Layout, Koramangala Village, 8th Block, Bengaluru, 560095